Following shows how the TA "Team" Directory Page is Sorted to Best Enable End-Users to Quickly Find the Person or Company they Need

Following is the order in which soultion provider categories will be presented on the “Team” page to enable CxOs and IT director end-users to quickly find the person or company best suited to help them.

  1. National Advisors: A maximum of 10 national advisors will be presented in the first category with individual tags N01 – N10
  2. National Engineers: A maximum of 10 national engineers will be presented in the second category with company name tags
  3. Master Agencies: A maximum of 10 master agencies will be presented in the third category with company name tags
  4. Single-Bill Providers: A maximum of 10 single-bill providers will be presented in the fourth category with company name tags
  5. State & State Metro Advisors: In alphabetic order by state & then major metro, at least one advisor for each will be listed with state or metro tags
  6. Provider Advisors: In alphabetic order by provider & then advisor, the top advisors for each provider will be presented with appropriate tags
  7. Category Providers & Advisors: In alphabetic order by category, provider & then advisor, the top providers & advisors for each category will be presented
  8. Tag Providers & Advisors: In alphabetic order by tag, provider & then advisor, the top providers & advisors for each tag will be presented

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